A new unique technique for ecological agriculture
Megagreen, a plant nutrition, made of activated micronised natural calcite
A brand new innovative concept: due to the worldwide unique milling technology, called tribomechanical activation, which makes it possible to create mineral particles that are small enough to enter the leaf.
Megagreen is an efficient photosynthetic activator, It reduces water needs, and acts as a strengthening agent and a natural plant vaccination.
Natural and organic
ECO product
for sustainable living
(save water and protect the nature)
• Ecological
• Economical
• Efficient
• Edge Technology
• Natural foliar fertilizer made of Calcite
• Environmental
-Require less water (up to 70%)
-Protect the nature
-User friendly
• For use in Certified Organic growing
-Euro certified as an ecological product; correspond to the NFU 44- 001 standard for use in organic agriculture, in conformity with CEE no 834/2007 and 889/2008
Improved scale of economy
• Less Megagreen per hectare compared with other foliar fertilizer
• More harvest, increased storage time, shorter lead-time, improved quality = better end-user price
• Strengthened plants
• Accelerated growth
• Numerous fruits
• Larger and more pigmented leafs
• The plants are more resistant to diseases
Edge technology
Unique technology
Tihomir Lelas, an innovator and scientist, have many inventions and is owner of a number of patents, he is the inventor behind the VCMM, Vertical Centrifugal Micronisation Machine. The process is patented, WO0064586.
A patented nano – technology Principle
-mineral – mineral collisions 3/millisecond at very high speed Results
-A corn distribution ranging from the Nano to the Micro particle
-High increase of active surface and reactivity
-Perfect purity of the final product (no chemicals, no metal residues)
The calcite particles increase their specific surface 100% and the porous volume is tripled
Megagreen content
Sedimentary rock which emerges from calcareous seaweed
Main components about:
-CaCO3 (carbonate calcium) : 95,00%
-SiO2 (siliceous dioxide) : 2,00%
-MgO (magnesium oxide) : 1,5%
-Iron: 8783 mg/kg
-Mn (manganese) : 156 mg/kg
-Selenium: 0.24 mg/kg
Carbonic solubility: 65
Neutralizing value: 47
Granularity: 0,1 μm to 2 μm
Megagreen is absolutely non-poisonous and has no toxic threshold
How to apply Megagreen?
Dosage: 0,3 to 0.5%
Garden: about 1 teaspoon per litre of water filled into a usual garden sprayer
Agriculture: 1 kg per 200 l of water, or 2,5 kilos per hectare, depending on field crops/plants
Number of treatments: every 14 days, as soon as the plant has a minimum of 3 leafs
It is important to spray Megagreen in the form of a fine fog, so that it can easily penetrate the leaf. The best time for spraying is morning, at temperatures ranging between 8 and 20°C, and hygrometry > 60%.
The calculation of the nozzle outflow is given by the following formula O=(QxLxV)/600 O = outflow L = active width of the nozzle V = speed Nozzle size: ranges from 150μm to 300μm, under the pressure of 3 to 4 bar.
Megagreen How does it work ?
Megagreen is directly penetrating the leaf pores (stomas – leaf organs which control the gas exchange in the plant) travelling through to the plants interior. This is possible due to the granulometry of Megagreen (0,1μm) which is much less than the size of a leafs pore opening (ostiole). The benefits of Megagreen once inside the plant can be attributed to the two decomposition products that emerge and feed the plant: carbon dioxide (CO2) and calcium oxide (CaO). Megagreen is also acting as an Antioxidant for plants, meaning vitalizing and anti-aging effect.
Results of CO2 increase
Reduction of water need
• The atmosphere inside the plant is saturated with CO2 causing the stomates to close partially. The evaporation is limited and the water need reduced.
Improvement of photosynthesis (30%)
• Rubisco binds CO2 and induces photosynthesis
• Photorespiration is reduced
(Photosynthesis and photorespiration are two competitive processes, regulated by the Rubisco enzyme, according to the CO2-O2 ratio)
Water preservation
Evaporation is the basic mechanism ensuring the water balance in the plant. It is responsible for the circulation of water inside the plant.
Evaporation rates for most plants in moderate climates (mesophytes), range from 2 to 6 mg water per minute and gram leaf.
Evaporation is influenced by several factors, such as humidity, airflow, and light. 90% of the evaporation is due to the pores of the plant, giving ventilation to the vaporization.
The application of Megagreen does not change the process of evaporation, but avoids unnecessary evaporation through increase of CO2, thus leading to an improved utilization of the water.
Results & Advantages
• Shortening the vegetation period up to 30%
• Improved resistance against diseases
• Anti-fungal protection
• Significant increase of the dry matter content in fruits and vegetables
• Longer storage life
• Improved organoleptic qualities and coloration
• Better taste
Case studies Megagreen
Production of potatoes, summer 2004 Alsace, France
Treatment with Megagreen on potatoes with excellent results.
During the experiments 2004, there was a yield improvement of most of the varieties of about 30%. 100% of the potatoes could be sold.
The improvement of the leaf strength worked also as a protection against potato beetles.
Tested varieties: Mona-Lisa, Desiree, Charlotte, Emeraude, Junior, Delicatesse.
Production of Beans, Italy, Jun./Nov. 2004
During the study, the producer confirmed not only the robustness of plants and improvement of yield, but also a significant reduction of water needs on the plants treated with Megagreen.
Study on the production of pepper, June 2004, Lombardy Italy
Greener leafs, more harvest, less need of water on the treated samples.
Grapevines, Megagreen study Laboratory SADEF, June/September 2004
The pictures demonstrate the different conditions of grapevine leafs of two vines of the same age, among which just one line was treated with Megagreen.
The obvious anti-aging effect is a result due to a strong antioxidative action of Megagreen.
Strawberries, Megagreen study Laboratory SADEF, June/September 2004
Results of a study at Colmar, Departement Haut-Rhin, June 2004:
Tested varieties:
Gariguette, Mara, Florence, Majoral, Honeoye, Darselect
Yield improvement: 30%
Strengthening of fruits and prolonged storage life (comment from the farmer: ”This year, for the first time, no strawberries were returned to us”).
Perfectly healthy plants.
Melon „Sanfilippo“ Effect of Megagreen on the quality of fruits. Laboratory Neotron Modena, Italy, June 2004
Comparison between melons treated with Megagreen and fruits of the control series. The observations clearly show increase of Fructose and Glucose, indicating a positive effect of Megagreen on the organoleptic qualities of fruits.
Study on Megagreen on grapevines with odium, June/July 2004, SADEF laboratories
These findings are examples regarding the effect of Megagreen on the disease resistance of leafs.
Olive trees, Sibenik in Croatia, 2003 Obliga, Leccino
Leafs on the treated trees had a more intensive green color, and the fruits survived easier the drought and there was no visual wrinkling on the treated fruits. Increase of fruit productivity, increased sugar levels in the grape and oil production from the olives
Study on Megagreen on tomatoes, Sisak in Croatia, 2004 Belle (Enza zaden)
Extremely bad conditions, hot and dry weather. Megagreen was applied in the last moment with the result that all plants in this case were saved from ruination.
Megagreen application resulted in recovering and stabilizing of the plants. Another observation was that Megagreen appeared to be a more efficient way of foliar feeding, reduced fertilizer consumption by approximately 20%.
Report on the application on Orchard, in Slavonia, Croatia 2003 1000 trees (Gloster, Mucu, Golden D and Green Smith)
Spraying on five occasions with 0.3% solution. First spraying on 01 June 2003, and the last on 14 August 2003. It was done by an aeromechanical atomizer, with the consumption of water 1,600 l/ha.
Obvious vitalization of the green mass was noticeable. It was of dark green color, in spite of the extreme drought. During the fruit gathering, it was noticed that the fruits were larger, and had better coloration, they were harder and much more juicy compared with the control group.
Application on Apple trees Kriz in Croatia, 2007
The season 2006/2007 had very unfavorable weather conditions, no winter, no rain, hot climate and a number of ice rain.
Megagreen boosted the plants growths in terms of speed and size and strengthen the plants own resistance capability against deceases and harmful insects. The fruits = rich in taste, prolonged storage capability and was a great success on the market place.
Study of Pepper, Osijek, Croatia June 2007
Pepper field in Osijek 2007-06-27.
One field of 12 hectares fully treated with Megagreen compared with a neighboring field of 3 hectares just treated in a traditional way
Application on flowers Melbourne in Australia 2007
Megagreen application on roses in a
private enterprise in Melbourne Australia.
Amazing result, more flowers, stronger and greener leafs.
Extended storage time, long lasting when moved inside compared with non-treated.
Megagreen application on tea, China 2007.
Trials at four different tea farms (Xiaqiao, Jianou, Xintian and Huaqio) in 2007.
Megagreen has an obvious effect on the promotion of the growth of new leafs of green teas, effectively promoting the growth of new leafs, increasing the number of new leafs and therefore increasing the output of green teas production.
Megagreen has an obvious effect on the increase and improvement in the tea scent.
Die Farbe des gebrühten Tees zeigt, dass Megagreen nachhaltig die Zartheit der neuen Teeblätter erhöht.
A better use of water