

Petroleum is found crudely in nature. When crude oil is separated in refineries, different types of fuel are obtained. Gasoline, jet fuel and of course, gasoline.

If you know what gasoline and diesel are, then you probably know that they have different features. Their odors are different, diesel is heavier, diesel vaporizes much slower and its boiling point is much higher than gasoline. Additionally, diesel fuel’s oil content is higher than gasoline.

As diesel is heavier, it vaporizes much slower. Diesel has more carbon content with respect to gasoline and the structures of its carbon compounds are longer. Chemical structure of diesel is C14H30 and it is C9H20 for gasoline. Diesel requires less refinery processes and therefore it is cheaper. Diesel demand has risen since 2004.

Diesel fuel has more energy density with respect to gasoline. On average, 1 gallon of diesel fuel has 155.000.000 Joules of energy whereas same amount of gasoline has 132.000.000 joules. This fact explains why diesel fuel powered cars have longer range than gasoline powered cars that have the same fuel tank capacity.

Diesel is used in vehicles and machines that require more power – like the engines of ships, buses, trains, cranes, agriculture vehicles and generators. For this reason, diesel fuel is important for economy. If diesel fuel hadn’t have high efficiency, construction and agriculture industries would have used inefficient fuels and lost money. 94% of freight shipment depends on diesel fuel, no matter it is land transport or sea transport.

There are some positive and some negative aspects of diesel for environment. One of the positive aspects is that diesel fuel emits so low amount of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon that cause global warming. One of the negative aspects is that diesel creates and emits high amount of nitrogen compound and particulate matter and these compounds cause acid rains, air pollution and bad health conditions.

EURO DIESEL:Euro Diesel has variety of emission standards. The latest one that is Euro 5 is a type of fuel for diesel engines and it has 20 ppm sulphur content and it conforms European Union EN590standards.

Daily price of diesel?
Global price of diesel?
Diesel import?
Diesel export?
Rules for diesel export?
Diesel analysis?

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