Being obtained by chemically treating crude oil, gasoline is one of the biggest energy sources of today’s world. Gasoline is considered as a must for automotive industry and its importance increases as the amount of world’s oil reserve decreases. It is used as a fuel due to its hydrocarbon content and during the history, gasoline has been continuously processed and developed by many scientists. It can be obtained synthetically by processing coal as well as the reaction between carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Although gasoline can be obtained synthetically and by carbon monoxide compounds, both methods offers low quality product. Besides the quality, cost of the product obtained by these methods are high and therefore these methods are not in use today. However, future promising researches are in progress at the moment. In the modern world of today, gasoline is obtained by separating organic compounds.
The most common use of gasoline obtained this way is for internal combustion engines. Additionally, it is used as a solvent in organic chemistry and as a fuel in some specially designed heating stoves. Having boiling point between 32 and 210 degrees Celsius and thus being an ideal fuel for internal combustion engines and automotive industry, gasoline is treated at first in order to be used in cars and as a result, commercial gasoline is obtained. Having ability to burn continuously in different rates and pressures, gasoline is also able to vaporize in some extent and makes cars start easily in cold environment, too. This feature in the cold weather conditions works in the opposite way in hot weather conditions and ensure that the engine is not flooded due to excessive vaporization. One another feature and one of the most important features of commercial gasoline is that it can be stored easily and without problem. Commercial gasoline can be kept in the fuel tank of a car for a long time and no oxidation occurs. It also decreases the occurrence rate of spark igniter and carburetor related problems.

There are two types of gasoline;

Unleaded Fuel:Unleaded fuel is developed for and used in cars that have or don’t have catalytic converter and it provides high performance as a result of a special additive. Common fuels creates oil-carbon deposit as the time passes even in the most advanced and perfect engine design and damage the motor parts. To obtain more efficiency from the engine, to economize the fuel consumption and preserve the performance, it is important to use Unleaded 95 that is enhanced by high-grade additives.

Unleaded 95 cleans the fuel system, preserve the performance at its highest and enables the engine to use full capacity, work more efficiently and it also makes car quick, thanks to the performance additive.

It gives the car better acceleration and better grip.

Traction of the engine can be enhanced by 10% by using Unleaded 95.

Provides saving in fuel consumption.

Prevents corrosion in fuel system.

Decreases the negative effects of carbon monoxide emission and exhaust gas that create environmental pollution.

2 Leaded Fuel:The largest source of lead content of the atmosphere is leaded fuels. For the developing countries, 90% of the lead and lead compound contents of the atmosphere comes from the engines powered with leaded fuels. During the 1910s, paint products were the major source for the lead content of the atmosphere in USA. When it was discovered that lead was harmful to human health, industries stopped using lead in paint products after 1940s. Especially during 1950s, the amount of lead emitted from leaded fuel powered engines started to increase and it reached its maximum between the years 1960 and 1985.

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